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- Swamidass (08-04-18) Forgiveness Preceeds Sin
- Dobre (08-18-18) Bible and Archaeology
- Cleasby (08-25-18) If I Perish I Perish
- Karth (07-28-18) That Sermon
- Swamidass (09-01-18) Marks of True Adventist Part 1
- Karth (09-08-18) Redeemed From the Curse
- Swamidass (09-22-18) Marks of True Adventist Part 2
- Ralph (09-29-18) Lip Service or Heart Service
- Swamidass (10-13-18) The Two Adams - Part 1
- Swamidass (10-13-18) In Christ - Part 2
- Karth (10-20-18) Elijah and Today
- Krueger ( 11-03-18) Expectations
- Swamidass (11-17-18) Why Am I An Adventist? Part 2
- Swamidass (12-01-18) Everlasting Gospel Part 4
- Swamidass (12-08-18) Why Am I An Adventist Part 3
- Dobre (12-22-18) Christmas
- Karth (01-26-19) Partakers of the Divine Nature
- Swamidass (02-09-19) Why am I an Adventist (part-4)
- Karth (02-23-19) The Revelation of Jesus
- Swamidass (03-02-19) The Sabbath Rest (Part 1)
- Dobre (03-09-19) Ellen White
- Swamidass (04-27-19) The Sabbath Rest (Part 3)
- Swamidass (05-18-19) The DNA of Relationships
- Swamidass (05-18-19) The 6 Promises that Create Great Families
- Swamidass (05-18-19) The 7 Super T's for Parents
- Dr. Dobre (09-14-19) The Gospels part 2
- Jesus on Prophecy (09-29-19) Session 4
- Jesus on Prophecy (10-02-19) Session 6B
- Jackson (10-12-19) Wind and Wave obey Jesus
- Krueger (10-26-19) God Cares
- Swamidass (12-21-19) An On-Time God
- Krueger(01-04-20) Change
- Swamidass (02-01-20) Power of Prayer
- Holy Spirit Study (02-04-20) Session 1
- Dobre (02-08-20) Salvation
- Holy Spirit Study (02-11-20) Trinity
- Swamidass (02-22-20) Biblical Communism
- Jackson (02-29-20) Arise
- Holy Spirit Study (03-03-20) Session 2
- Karth (03-07-20) Lovest Thou Me?
- Holy Spirit Study (03-10-20) Session 3
- Swamidass (03/21/20 The First Angel
- Swamidass (03-28-20) How to Get Through What You're Going Through Part 1
- Swamidass (04-04-20) How to Get Through-Part-2
- (04-08-20) Baptism of the Holy Spirit
- Swamidass (04-11-20) How to Get Through...Part 3
- Swamidass (04-15-20) Filling of The Spirit
- Swamidass (04-18-20) Why Does God Allow Suffering
- Swamidass (04-25-20) Our Response to Suffering
- Swamidass (04-29-20) Born of the Spirit
- Swamidass (05-02-20) Why Must Christ Return
- Swamidass (05-09-20) Mother's Day Sermon
- Swamidass (05-16-20) When Will Christ Return
- Swamidass (05-20-20) Guided by the Holy Spirit
- Swamidass (05-27-20) The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
- Swamidass (05-30-20) Why Hasn't Jesus Returned Yet?
- Swamidass (06-03-20). Living by the Holy Spirit
- Swamidass (06-06-20) Why Hasn't God Revealed The Time Of Christ's Return?
- Swamidass (06-17-20) Sanctified by the Holy Spirit-1
- Swamidass (06-20-20) ATTITUDE - Not the Time of Christ's Return -- Is Important
- Swamidass (06-24-20) Sanctification By The Holy Spirit
- Swamidass (06-27-20) His Coming is Sure
- Swamidass (06-30-20) Sanctification by the Holy Spirit
- Swamidass (07-15-20) Grieving the Holy Spirit
- Swamidass (07-18-20) His Coming is Sure-2
- Swamidass (07-22-20) Unbelief and the Holy Spirit
- Swamidass (07-25-20) His Coming is Sure-3
- Swamidass (07-29-20) Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit
- Swamidass (08-01-20) His Coming is Sure - 3b
- Swamidass (08-12-20) Spirit Controlled Church Family
- Swamidass (08-26-20) Spirit Controlled Family
- Dr. Dobre (08-29-20) Salvation A Continued Study
- Bill Ochs (09-05-20) The Measured Sacrifice
- Krueger (09-19-20) At The Right Time
- Swamidass (09-23-20) Does God have a Form or Body?
- Dobre (09-26-20) Types and Antitypes
- Swamidass (09-26-20) Trinity God in Three Persons-3
- Swamidass (10-03-20)Trinity- God Three in One-Part 4
- Dr. Dobre (10-17-20) As in the Days of Noah
- Swamidass (10-21-20) Why Romans is So Special
- Swamidass (11-07-20) The First Angel"s Message of Revelation
- Swamidass (11-14-20) The Second Angel's Message of Revelation 14
- Dr. Dobre (11-21-20) Thanksgiving History
- Swamidass (11-21-20) Third Angel's Message of Revelation 14
- Swamidass (12-09-20) The Whole World is Guilty Romans 3:1-20
- Swamidass (12-16-20) Righteousness by Faith. Romans 3:21-23
- Dr. Dobre (12-19-20) Christmas
- Swamidass (12-19-20) Trusting God's Timing-1
- Swamidass (12-23-20) Legal Justification-1
- Dr. Dobre (12-26-20) New Year's Resolutions
- Krueger (01-02-21) Hope
- Swamidass (01-06-21) Legal Justification Part-2
- Dr. Dobre (01-16-21) The Spiritual Anatomy of a Christian
- Dr. Dobre (01-30-21) Blessings from God
- Swamidass (02-03-21) Fruits of Justification by Faith
- Krueger (02-06-21) Faith and Perspective
- Swamidass (02-17-21) The Last Adam
- Swamidass (02-24-21) Experience of Baptiism- Romans 6:1-7
- Swamidass (03-03-21) Romans 6:8-15 Freedom from Sin
- Swamidass (03-10-21) Slaves of God -Romans 6:16-23
- Swamidass (03-13-21) Adventist Belief #5 - The Holy Spirit
- Dr. Dobre (03-20-21) Adventist Church History
- Dr. Dobre (03-27-21) The Health Message
- Swamidass (04-03-21) Adventist Belief #6 - Creation
- Swamidass (04-14-21) No Condemnation in Christ-Romans 8:1-4
- Swamidass (04-24-21) Adventist Belief #9 - Life, Death, and Resurrection of Christ
- Swamidass (04-28-21) Romans 8:14-17 Joint- heirs with Christ
- Swamidass (05-15-21) Adventist Belief #12 - The Church
- Swamidass (05-26-21) God is for us - Romans 8:31-34
- Robyn's Memorial Service - 06/19/2021
- Dr. Dobre (07-03-21) The Seal and The Mark
- Swamidass (07-24-21) Adventist Belief #18-B - Gift of Prophecy
- Swamidass (09-04-21) Adventist belief #24 - Christ's Ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary
- Dr. Dobre (09-18-21) Why does God Allow Suffering?
- Dr. Dobre (09-25-21) The Bible
- Swamidass (10-09-21) Adventist Belief #27 - The Millennium
- Swamidass (10-16-21) Adventist Belief #28 - The New Earth
- Swamidass (10-20-21) Loyal Citizens - Romans 13:1-7
- Swamidass (10-23-21) The Pre-Advent Judgement
- Dr. Dobre (01-29-22) A World in Turmoil
- Swamidass (04-16-22) The Seventh Saying of Christ
- Swamidass (06-04-22) The Ninth Commandment
- Krueger (06-25-22) Showing Gratitude
- Dr. Dobre (07-02-22) Hold Fast
- Dr. Dobre (07-09-22) Revelation's Most Thrilling Message
- Swamidass (07-13-22) Be Filled With the Spirit Ephesians 5:18-21
- Swamidass (07-16-22) The Tenth Commandment
- Swamidass (07-20-22) Spirit Filled Family - Ephesians 5:21 and 6:4
- Swamidass (07-23-22) First Fruit of the Spirit - Agape
- Swamidass (07-27-2022) Spirit Controlled Work Places - Ephesians 6:5-9
- Swamidass (07-30-22) The Second Fruit of the Spirit - JOY
- Swamidass (08-03-22) Strong in the Lord - Ephesians 6:10-13
- Swamidass (08-06-22) The Third Fruit of the Spirit - PEACE
- Dr. Dobre (08-06-22) The Day When the Final Judgment Began
- Swamidass (08-10-22) The Whole Armor of God - Ephesians 6:10-17
- Swamidass (08-13-22) The Fourth Fruit of the Spirit - PATIENCE
- Jackson (08-13-22) God's GPS - Gospel Path to Salvation
- Swamidass (08-17-22) The Whole Armor of God - Part 2
- Swamidass (08-20-22) The Fifth Fruit of the Spirit - KINDNESS
- Swamidass (08-27-22) The Sixth Fruit of the Spirit - GOODNESS
- Dr. Dobre (09-03-22) The Call Out Of Babylon
- Swamidass (09-07-22) Introduction - Hebrews 1:1-3
- Krueger (09-10-22) Your Choice
- Swamidass (09-10-22) The Seventh Fruit of the Spirit - FAITHFULNESS
- Swamidass (09-14-22) Christ is Greater Than Angels - Hebrews 1:4 and 2:4
- Jackson (09-17-22) Sharing Time
- Swamidass (09-21-22) Christ Became Man to Exalt Man Above Angels
- Swamidass (09-24-22) The Eighth Fruit of the Spirit - GENTLENESS
- Swamidass (09-28-22) Why Did The Son of God Become Man? - Hebrews 2:14-18
- Merrill (10-01-22) Presentation - 1
- Merrill (10-01-22) Presentation - 2
- Swamidass (10-05-22) Christ is Greater Than Moses - Hebrews 3:1-6
- Dr. Dobre (10-08-22) Bowing To The Beast
- Swamidass (10-08-22) The Ninth Fruit of the Spirit - SELF-CONTROL
- Swamidass (10-12-22) Warnings from Israel's History - Hebrews 3:7-19
- Swamidass (10-15-22) Filling of the Holy Spirit
- Swamidass (10-19-22) Christ The True Rest - Hebrews 4:1-11
- Swamidass (10-22-22) Two Reasons Marriages Fail
- Swamidass (10-22-22) Seven T's for Parents.
- Swamidass (10-22-22) The Doorway to Intimacy
- Swamidass (10-26-22) Christ Our High Priest - Hebrews 4:14-16
- Swamidass (10-29-22) Five Ways to Motivate Your Child
- Swamidass (10-29-22) What Happens to Love After the Wedding?
- Swamidass (10-29-22) Why Do Affairs Happen?
- Swamidass (11-02-22) The Qualifications of a High Priest - Hebrews 5:1-10
- Dr. Dobre (11-05-22) Attempts to setup a New Empire
- Swamidass (11-09-22) The Cost of Abandoning Christ - Hebrews 5:11 - 6:12
- Dr. Dobre (11-12-22) Is There A Solution For The Worldwide Crisis?
- Dr. Dobre (11/19/22) The Manner of Christ's Coming
- Jackson (11-26-22) Know Jesus, Share Jesus
- Dr. Dobre (12-03-22) The Mystery of the Thousand Years
- Michalski (12-08-22) Victory Over the Anti-Christ
- Michalski (12-09-22) The Sin God Cannot Forgive
- Michalski (12-10-22) The Last Night on Earth
- Michalski (12-10-22) Heaven - Revelations Most Awesome Reality
- Swamidass (12-14-22) The Certainty of God's Promises - 6:16-20
- Dr. Dobre (12-24-22) Women in Jesus Genealogy
- Swamidass (12-31-22) Developing A Prosperous Mindset
- Swamidass (01-04-23) Christ the High Priest - Hebrews 7:1-10
- Jackson (01-07-23) God's Way, Not Ours
- Swamidass (01-11-23) Christ the High Priest -2. Hebrews 7:11-28
- Dr. Dobre (01-14-23) Choose Life and Good Health
- Swamidass (01-21-23) Parable of Wedding Banquet - Matthew 22:1-14
- Swamidass (01-25-23) The Heavenly Sanctuary - Hebrews 9:1-14
- Dr. Dobre (01-28-23) The Bread of Life
- Swamidass (02-08-23) Heavenly Sanctuary - Hebrews 9:15-23
- Dr. Dobre (02-11-23) The Breath of Life
- Swamidass (02-22-23) Christ's Perfect Sacrifice - Hebrews 10:1-14
- Swamidass (02-25-23) Parable of Pharisee and Publican
- Swamidass (03-01-23) The New Covenant - Hebrews 10:15-22
- Swamidass (03-04-23) Parable of Unmerciful Servant - Matthew 18:21-35
- Swamidass (03-08-23) The Cost of Unbelief - Hebrews 10:23-39
- Dr. Dobre (03-11-23) The Liquid of Life
- Swamidass (03-11-23) Armor of God - Ephesians 6:11-18
- Swamidass (03-15-23) Faith in Action - Hebrews 11:1-6
- Swamidass (03-18-23) Armor of God -4- Shield of Faith - Ephesians 6:16
- Swamidass (03-22-23) Faith in Action pt2 - Hebrews 11:7-19
- Swamidass (03-25-23) Parable of the Rich Fool - Luke 12:13-21
- Titus (04-01-23) Your Flight Has Been Delayed
- Swamidass (04-05-23) Faith in Action Pt3 - Hebrews 11:20-29
- Swamidass (04-08-23) Who Moved the Stone? - Matthew 27:57,-28:4
- Swamidass (04-12-23) Faith in Action Pt4 - Hebrews 11:30-32
- Swamidass (04-15-23) Parable of Two Debtors - Luke 7:36-50
- Swamidass (04-19-23) Faith in Action Pt5 - Hebrews 11:32
- Dr. Dobre (04-22-23) Use It, or Lose It!
- Swamidass (04-22-23) Armor of God -5- Helmet of Salvation - Ephesians 6:17
- Swamidass (04-26-23) Faith in Action Pt6 - Hebrews 11:32
- Dr. Dobre (04-29-23) The Rest Factor
- Swamidass (04-29-23) Armor of God Pt6 - Sword of the Spirit - Ephesians 6:17
- Swamidass (05-03-23) Faith in Action Pt.7 - Hebrews 11: 32-40
- Swamidass (05-06-23) Parable of Wheat and Tares - Matthew 13:24-30
- Swamidass (05-10-23) Fixing Our Eyes On Jesus - Hebrews 12:1-4
- Swamidass (05-17-23) Divine Refinement - 12:5-11
- Dr. Dobre (05-20-23) Moderation and Temperance
- Dr. Dobre (05-27-23) A Merry Heart
- Dr. Dobre (06-03-23) What Difference Does Faith Make?
- Swamidass (05-24-23) The Two Mountains - Hebrews 12:12-29
- Krueger (07-08-23) Plans
- Swamidass (07-08-23) Praying For Others
- Dr. Dobre (07-01-23) What Is The Health Message?
- Swamidass (07-15-23) Laodicean Message
- Swamidass (07-22-23) Laodiceans are Evaluated #2 - Revelation 3:15-16
- Swamidass (07-29-23) Laodicea is Deceived #3 - Revelation 3:17
- Swamidass (08-02-23) Trinity - Adventist Pioneers
- Dr. Dobre (08-05-23) God's Creation and it's Opponents
- Plank (08-12-23) It is Better
- Swamidass (08-09-23) Trinity Pioneers #2
- Swamidass (08-16-23) Trinity-Pioneers-3
- Swamidass (08-19-23) Laodicea is Counseled -4 Revelation 3:18
- Swamidass (08-23-23) Trinity -Holy Spirit -4
- Krueger (08-26-23) Freedom of Choice
- Swamidass (08-30-23) Trinity #5 - Is Jesus fully God?
- Swamidass (09-02-23) Husbands and Wives together at the Cross
- Swamidass (09/06/23) Trinity #6 - When did Christ Become The Only Begotten Son of God?
- Swamidass (09-09-23) Laodicea is Rebuked -5 - Revelation 3:19
- Swamidass (09-13-23) Trinity #7 - The Godhead
- Dr. Dobre (09-16-23) The Protestant Reformation
- Jan Plank-Powell (09-23-23) The Mind of Christ
- Dr. Dobre (09-30-23) The Desert, The Cross, And Beyond
- Swamidass (10-04-23) Trinity #8 - Does The Trinity Contradict Monotheism?
- Dr. Dobre (10-07-23) The Sanctuary Message
- Swamidass (10-13-23) Nehemiah (Introduction)
- Swamidass (10-14-23) Laodicea Must Repent and Open The Door
- Swamidass (10-18-23) Nehemiah - 1
- Jackson (10-21-23) Saltless
- Swamidass (10-25-23) Nehemiah 2:1-8
- Ochs (10-28-23) A Matter of Perspective
- Swamidass (11-01-23) Nehemiah 2:1-16
- Swamidass (11-04-23) Laodicea Must Overcome
- Swamidass (11-15-23) Nehemiah 4:1-14
- Krueger (11-25-23) Thankfulness
- Swamidass (11-29-23) Nehemiah 4:15-23
- Jackson (12-02-23) If
- Batchelor (12-09-23) Ten Keys to Prayer
- Titus (12-23-23) The War On Christmas
- Swamidass (12-27-23) Nehemiah 5:1-13
- Heisig (12-16-23) What is the Necessity of Our Choice?
- Swamidass (01-03-24) Nehemiah 5:14-19
- Swamidass (01-06-24) Exposition of The Apostle Paul's Epistle to the Romans - Romans 1:1
- Swamidass (01-10-24) Nehemiah 6
- Swamidass (01-13-24) Finding Purpose Beyond Our Pain
- Swamidass (01-17-24) Nehemiah 7
- Swamidass (01-20-24) Understanding God's Forgiveness
- Swamidass (01-24-24) Revival at the Water Gate - Nehemiah 8
- Swamidass (01-27-24) Using What God Gave You.
- Swamidass 01/31/24 Nehemiah 9
- Krueger (01-06-24) Action
- Krueger (02-03-24) Faithful Steward
- Swamidass (02-03-24) Romans 1:1-17
- Swamidass (02-07-24) Nehemiah 10
- Jackson (02-10-24) The Little Parable
- Swamidass (02-10-24) The Wrath of God - Romans 1:18-32
- Swamidass (02-14-24) Nehemiah 11
- Swamidass (02-17-24) Peter
- Swamidass (02-21-24) Nehemiah 12
- Swamidass (02-24-24) Andrew
- Swamidass (02-28-24) Nehemiah 13
- Swamidass (03-02-24) God's Impartial Judgement - Romans 2:1-16
- Swamidass (03-06-24) The Everlasting Gospel Defined
- Case (03-09-24) Victory in Jesus
- Swamidass (03-13-24) Dynamics of the Everlasting Gospel - 2
- Swamidass (03-16-24) James
- Swamidass (03-20-24) Dynamics of the Everlasting Gospel - 3
- Swamidass (03-23-24) John
- Swamidass (03-09-24) Self-righteous Jews - Romans 2:17-29
- Swamidass (03-27-24) Dynamics of the Everlasting Gospel - 4
- Swamidass (04-03-24) Dynamics of the Everlasting Gospel - 5
- Krueger (04-06-24) Rewards & Blessings
- Swamidass (04-06-24) Universal Sin Problem - Romans 3:1-20
- Swamidass (04-10-24) Dynamics of the Everlasting Gospel - 6
- Jackson (04-13-24) Your Friend The Holy Spirit
- Swamidass (04-13-24) Righteousness By Faith - Romans 3:21-23
- Swamidass (04-17-24) Dynamics of the Everlasting Gospel - 7
- Merrills (04-18-24) Christ and the Four Horsemen's Messages
- Merrills (04-19-24) Rediscovering the Messiah in Daniel
- Merrills (04-20-24) The Israel of God
- Merrills (04-20-24) The State of Israel
- Swamidass (04-24-24) Dynamics of the Everlasting Gospel - 8
- Swamidass (04-27-24) Philip
- Johnson (05-11-24) To Be Continued....
- Swamidass (05-01-24) Dynamics of the Everlasting Gospel - 9
- Swamidass (05-04-24) Legal Justification - Romans 3:24
- Swamidass (05-08-24) Introduction to Acts
- Swamidass (05-11-24) Legal Justification - 2 - Romans 3:25-26
- Swamidass (05-15-24) Acts 1:1-4
- Swamidass (05-18-24) Nathanael
- Swamidass (05/22/24) Acts 1:4-8
- Swamidass (05-25-24) Matthew
- Swamidass (05-29-24) Acts 1:9-26
- Victor Powell (06/01/24) God's Transformative Power
- Swamidass (06/01/24) Romans 3:17-21 - Justification By Faith
- Swamidass (06/05/24) Acts 2:1-13
- Jan Plank (06/08/24 An A.I. Jesus? A Contemporary look at the REAL and Risen Christ
- Swamidass (06/08/24 Defending Justification By Faith - Romans 4:1-8
- Swamidass (06/29/24) Thomas
- Plank (07/06/24) It's Not How You Start That Counts...
- Swamidass (07/03/24) Acts 2:14-24
- Swamidass (07/06/24) Using What God Gave You
- Swamidass (07/10/24) Acts 2:25-41
- Plank (07/13/24) Of These Ye May Freely Eat
- Swamidass (07/13/24 Forgiveness Precedes Sins
- Swamidass (07/17/24) Acts 2:42-47
- Swamidass (07/20/24) James, the Son of Alphaeus
- Swamidass (07/27/24) Why Be Baptized?
- Plank (08/03/24) Our Changing World
- Swamidass (08/03/24) Faith Of Abraham - Romans 4:9-25
- Plank (08/10/24) The Second Coming Of Jesus
- Swamidass (08/17/24) Simon, the Zealot
- Swamidass (08-21-24) Acts 3:1-11
- Swamidass (08-24-24) Judas, the son of James
- Krueger (08/31/24 Buried & Forgotten By God
- Swamidass (08/28/24) Acts 3:11-15
- Swamidass (09/04/24) Acts 3:16-26
- Plank (09/07/24) The Mystery of Death
- Swamidass (09/07/24) Peace With God
- Swamidass (09/11/24) Acts 4:1-12
- Powell (09/14/24) Peace on Earth
- Powell (09/16/24) Quality Time
- Powell (09/17/24) The Day That Disappeared
- Swamidass (09/18/24) Acts 4:13-22
- Swamidass (09/21/24) Judas, Iscariot
- Krueger (09/23/24) Living Life To The Fullest
- Krueger (09/24/24) The Fall Of Babylon
- Swamidass (09/28/24) Where is God when Tragedy Strikes?
- Plank (10/05/24) The Enduring Deception of Spiritualism
- Swamidass (10/03/24) Acts 4:21-37
- Krueger (10/12/24) In Search of The Church
- Swamidass (10/12/24) Blessings of Justification by Faith - Romans 5:3-4
- Swamidass (10/09/24) Acts 5:1-11
- Swamidass (10/16/24) Acts 5:12-42
- Swamidass (10/19/24) Why Did God Create Angels?
- Swamidass (10/23/24 Acts 6:1-7
- Swamidass (10/26/24) Lucifer - why did God create him?
- Swamidass (10/30/24) Acts 6:8 - 7:43
- Heisig (11/02/24) "It's Miraculous What Our Lord and Savior Has in Store For Us"
- Swamidass (11/02/24) The Love of God - Romans 5:5-11
- Swamidass (11/06/24) Acts 7:44 - 8:1
- Swamidass (11/09/24) Why should you get baptized?
- Swamidass (11/13/24) Acts 8:1-24
- Swamidass (11/16/24) The Great Controversy Between Jesus and Lucifer
- Swamidass (11/20/24) Acts 8:25-40
- Swamidass (11/23/24) Thankful Attitude
- Johnson (11/30/24) The Seal of God
- Swamidass (11/30/24) Thankful Attitude -2
- Johnson (12/07/24) Seal of Marriage
- Koker (12/14/24) Give and Take
- Swamidass (12/18/24) Acts 9:1-5
- Swamidass (12/28/24) The Holy Spirit
- Dr. Dobre (01/04/25) Music #1
- Swamidass (01/04/25) The Two Adams - part 1
- Swamidass (01/08/25) Acts 9:6-19
- Dr. Nelu (01/11/25) Music #2
- Swamidass (01/11/25) The Two Adams Part 2
- Swamidass (01/15/25) Acts 9:20-31
- Swamidass (01/18/25) Who is the Holy Spirit?
- Swamidass (01/22/25) Acts 9:32 - 10:23
- Swamidass (01/25/25) Baptism of the Holy Spirit
- Swamidass (01/29/25 Acts 10:23-48
- Dr. Dobre (02/01/25) Reformation
- Swamidass (02/01/25) The Two Adams - Part 3
- Swamidass (02/05/25) Acts 11:1-30
- Swamidass (02/12/25 Acts 12:1-17
- Swamidass (02/15/25) Filling of the Holy Spirit - Part - 1
- Swamidass (02/19/25) Acts 12:18-25
- Church Pictures